\documentclass[a4paper,10pt,margin=0.5in]{article} \usepackage{array, fancyhdr, color, fontspec, titlesec, parskip, tikz, ulem, xcolor, longtable, titling, supertabular} \usepackage{blindtext} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage[linkcolor=magenta, colorlinks=true]{hyperref} \usepackage[margin=1.5cm, bottom=0.15cm, top=0.15cm]{geometry} \hypersetup{ pdftitle = {Curriculum Vitæ}, pdfauthor = {Olivia Mackintosh} } \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setmainfont[ Ligatures=TeX, ItalicFont = AvenirNextLTPro-It, BoldFont = AvenirNextLTPro-Medium, ]{AvenirNextLTPro-Regular} \newcolumntype{L}{p{0.13\textwidth}} \newcolumntype{R}{p{0.8\textwidth}} \newcommand\VRule{\color{magenta}\vrule width 0.5pt} \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhf{} \title{\bfseries\Huge Olivia\linebreak Mackintosh} \author{\href{mailto:livvy@base.nu}{livvy@base.nu}} \date{2} \makeatletter \def\@maketitle{% \hrule height \z@ % to avoid lineskip \parbox{.50\textwidth}{\LARGE \protect{\@title}\par} \parbox{.50\textwidth}{ \begin{flushright} \large\lineskip.5em\@author\par \large\lineskip.5em\href{https://base.nu/}{https://base.nu}\par \end{flushright} } \vskip 1.0em } \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{minipage}[t]{0.55\textwidth} A software engineer of 8 years with a passion for delivering business result though software. Often utilizing test-first, iterative development. There's a lot of waste in our industry and we need to become better at building the right thing, and delivering it faster. Iterative development alongside techniques such as TDD, pair-programming can often unlock a lot of value, yet teams have struggled to implement this properly due to alack of support regarding deployment pipelines and infrastructure; a lack of experience with the test first approach and communication gaps. Perhaps this sounds like a familar experience in your company? \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{0.4\textwidth} \begin{description} \item [Languages:]\hfill\\ C, Python, JS, Haskell, Kotlin, SQL, {\LaTeX} \item [Skills]\hfill\\ TDD, Refactoring \item [Dev]\hfill\\ API Design, Frontend Dev \item [Ops]\hfill\\ AWS, Azure, Infrastructure-as-Code, Deployment Pipelines \item [Specialist]\hfill\\ UNIX/Linux Systems | Protocol Knowledge (HTTP, SMTP, USB in particular) \end{description} \end{minipage} \section{Professional Experience} \begin{supertabular}{ccc} 2022- &{\bf Klima.Metrix GmbH — Senior Software Engineer}\\ &{\begin{itemize} \item Joined Klima.Metrix: a carbon accounting startup. \item Introduced and champtined a trunk-based, test-driven approoch to reduce deployment frequency to <1 week. \item Refactored legacy calculation code with BDD style tests that stakeholders can understand and give feedback on \item Deprecated MongoDB backend service to reduce technical debt and to take advantage of the existing relational DB.\@ Created custom tooling to make this easier \item OWASP top 10-based security audit + fixes \end{itemize}}\\ 2021- &{\bf Contract work (Magentasoft Ltd)}\\ &{\begin{itemize} \item Contract work with YLD and Uphold \item 50/50 consuting dev role \item Microservice architecture \end{itemize}}\\ 2017--2020 &{\bf Co-op Digital — Senior Software Engineer}\\ &{\begin{itemize} \item Joined the Digital Engineering department within the HQ of The Co-operative Group in 2017. \item Cross-functional, agile teams. \item Moved into senior role, mentoring engineers and presenting ideas at the monthly all-teams sessions. \item Leant towards back-end API development: championed refactoring and local architectural design of complex REST/SOAP integrations as well as being a voice for security across Digital. \item Largely Python, JavaScript, SQL with Django and React often providing development frameworks. \item I were also lucky enough to participate in \href{https://xpsurgery.com/}{Kevin Rutherford's XP Surgery} as well as \href{https://www.weareupfront.com/}{Lauren Currie's Upfront workshop}. These are software craftmanship and public speaking workshops respectively. \end{itemize}}\\ \pagebreak 2016--2017 &{\bf Beautiful Destinations — Software Engineer (Contract)}\\ &{\begin{itemize} \item Towards the end of 2016 I were hired by a Shoreditch based startup working in the travel and tourism marketing industry. \item Working alongside some very experienced engineers, I were responsible for making machine learning code production ready (testing, QA, refactoring); setting up build/test/deploy pipelines; containerizing releases with Docker etc. \item Learnt Haskell/GHCJS as this was used heavily for enforcing type-safety across the front-add-back end. Haskell and FP remain influential and encouraged me to learn Haskell proper as well as study Category Theory in my spare time. \end{itemize}}\\ 2016 &{\bf Liberal Democrats — Software Engineer (Contact)}\\ \end{supertabular} \section{Open Source Contributions} \begin{tabular}{L!{\VRule}R} Linux Kernel & Supporting Pioneer audio mixers within ALSA:\@ the Linux audio subsystem. Reverse engineered the DJM-750 vendor specific audio interface with OpenVizsla/ViewSB and collaborated with other users to expand support for other models.\\\\ K9-Mail & Implementing IETF RFC6186: `Use of SRV Records for Locating Email Submission/Access Services' as part of an improved setup experience. \end{tabular} %\section{Education} %\begin{tabular}{L!{\VRule}R} % %Current/Informal & Evolving technical skill development and philosophy % %self study (Aristotle, Heidegger, Evola)\\\\ % University & \emph{NB: I did not manage to complete my A-Level exams % due to mental health issues and haven't pursued a degree due to % the high costs. I also consider my current skillset and % experience to be beyond the average comp-sci graduate at this % point in time but it is something that I may revisit if the % right opportinity arises.}\\\\ % A-Level & {\bf Richmond School, North Yorkshire}\\ % & Computer Science\\ % & Physics\\ % & Economics\\\\ % GCSE & {\bf St Wilfred's Catholic High School, Featherstone}\\ % & A* Mathematics / AAA Physics/Chemistry/Biology\\\\ %\end{tabular} \end{document}